Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty —- And my Take on ‘Everything’
Let me summarize, when the State of Israel, which was started by Zionism; (but all under the Providence of God) ...
Let me summarize, when the State of Israel, which was started by Zionism; (but all under the Providence of God) ...
Here’s the Best One: (video) “The Sustainable Development Solutions Network,” directed by Jeffrey Sachs — Let me Interpret: ‘The Kill Everybody off Solution’s Network’ — with: The UN, the IMF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and probably the Illuminati Jesuits & Soros.
Noahide Laws?: (video) – Pope Francis with Global Education Pact or Act — but Trump is/was in the way.
‘Global Humanism vs God & Jesus’
There is almost nothing left to say -- Getting Serious About Jesus Today/Soon is the Call. There is Super Valuable Information at this site regarding the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Russia, that is almost like no-where to be found. 'Hidden HIstory/Information' is here. Just know that Communism, which is coming to the world soon - known as Globalism, is: In-Human, Beyond the Pale, Murder & Torture. As one person said in a video at this site: "The Baal System is Merciless" - Igor Shepherd