Hello, I'm a fellow Christian and have done a lot of Evangelism : ) (Currently do Evangelism like every weekend). This web-site has a lot of information about Communism, which is: In-human, beyond the pale - murder/Torture. The Weapon of the Illuminati is Communism which is coming to the whole world via: Globalism. Stealth Socialism (Communism's Daughter) is taking place right now in the U.S. -- The two id's of Socialism are: give away Gov't money and demonize a part of the race. - i.e. under Hitler all the Jews were evil -- currently White people and the polilce are evil). Karl Marx (Talmud/Synagogue of Satan Jew) says: 'All Materialism and/or Society has to End in Violent Destruction' -- think Antifa and remember: Communism is the weapon of the Illuminati -- their: Announcing Conception of the New or Secular World Order, all Seeing Eye Seal, is on the back of the dollar bill.
Here’s the Best One: (video) “The Sustainable Development Solutions Network,” directed by Jeffrey Sachs — Let me Interpret: ‘The Kill Everybody off Solution’s Network’ — with: The UN, the IMF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and probably the Illuminati Jesuits & Soros.
Noahide Laws?: (video) – Pope Francis with Global Education Pact or Act — but Trump is/was in the way.
‘Global Humanism vs God & Jesus’
There is almost nothing left to say -- Getting Serious About Jesus Today/Soon is the Call. There is Super Valuable Information at this site regarding the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Russia, that is almost like no-where to be found. 'Hidden HIstory/Information' is here. Just know that Communism, which is coming to the world soon - known as Globalism, is: In-Human, Beyond the Pale, Murder & Torture. As one person said in a video at this site: "The Baal System is Merciless" - Igor Shepherd
I was writing articles and posting them on FB and on my blog 10 years ago that pointed to the United Nations as the Beast form the Sea. I’m glad to hear that somebody else is teaching this now!