From The Article: My Eternal Hatred for Communism…and WHY
“HA! Stupid Americans! As life WAS in RUSSIA, so shall it SOON BE IN AMERICA!”
Boast of Russian FSB/KGB spy in Spokane, Washington, to my Russian friend Olga
….The FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention (death) camps were designed for all resisters of the NWO, or the communist styled blueprint for world government tyranny to be imposed on our nation, just as the gulag system was under the Soviet Union.
There is no difference between the Communist gulag system of Russia and it’s purposes, and the present day FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camp system. Period.
I will repeat again..and again…and again what former CIA/ONI officer MICHAEL MAHOLY informed me in 1995 about the NEW WORLD ORDER and the DETENTION CAMPS I had been hearing about so many times.
“Oh, ALL OF US in the CIA know about the detention camps in America and their purposes! We ALL know they are to TERMINATE THE RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER as it comes down in America under martial law.”
He did not say DETAIN: he said TERMINATE!
American patriots and Christians who will stand relentlessly against the NWO tyranny to be imposed under martial law, will soon find themselves being openly labeled TERRORISTS by the government and the media. Janet Napolitano has been working very hard with HOMELAND SECURITY to make this happen, in fact, already.
The DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY/FEMA is not working FOR the interests of the America people, but rather solely for the imposition of the coming NWO tyranny and eliminating all who stand in it’s way, all in the name of “fighting terror.”
That is what FEMA BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES are all about. That is what FEMA camps are all about! They plan to send tens of millions of Patriotic and Christian freedom loving Americans TO THE CAMPS, patterned exactly after the style of COMMUNIST RUSSIA and the former Soviet Union, and how they eliminated all political and religious enemies through the GULAG and prison trains system.
A COMMUNIST WORLD GLOBALIST (NWO) AGENDA IS THE MOST DEADLY ENEMY OF FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND HER CONSTITUTION THAT WE CAN HAVE! Why have we forgotten this? And why have we forgotten the Christians who languish worldwide under communism to this day?
Christians in America have seemingly forgotten the Christians who suffer in communist nations, especially in China. We Americans buy things from WALMART made in China in the many prison labor camps, filled with Christian resisters of communism in fact. Do we ever think to pray for the Christian Chinese prisoners in these camps who make many of the products we buy and use from China?
The sufferings of Christians under many decades of communism in the former Soviet Union are whitewashed from world history textbooks. Gone in America is the once present watchfulness many years ago against communism infiltration into our schools, our government, etc. I want to tell you: the NEW WORLD ORDER is nothing but the modern term for WORLD GLOBALIST COMMUNISM!
And it is alive and deadly here in America today. The Presidential Executive Orders are a clear blueprint for imposing a communist police state on North America.
And we now have a clearly Communist president passing more and more oppressive Presidential Executive Orders. Deceived any longer, America?
The entire chain of FEMA/Homeland Security gulag camps, with their prisoner boxcars and shackles to take American freedom fighters and resisters to the camps for termination, is inspired by the Russian communist system of dealing with resisters for decades. Long before Hitler ever used trains and detention camps against enemies of his regime, the Communists in the Soviet Union were using boxcars and camps and gulags to eliminate religious and political resisters.
And now North America (including Canada) has her very own gulag system and prisoner boxcars with shackles to deal with all NWO resisters under martial law. Americans can expect the very same kind of horrors in this prison camp system, as Christians and political resisters experienced under decades of communist oppression in Russia and Eastern Europe…and in many communist nations today.
Yes, there is absolutely no difference between the gulags and their prisoner trains of yesterday in the former ( and still to come!)Soviet Union under communism, and the FEMA/homeland Security camps throughout North America today. Their purposes are ONE AND THE SAME.